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20 years of making changes

We use non-violent, creative confrontation to expose
global environmental problems

Climate change

We support stabilization and purification of water supplies and regulation of local weather


We provide consulting for the organic certification, processors and packing facilities


We are dedicated to delivering renewable energy to commercial & residential properties

Toxic pollution

We’re ensuring every citizen realizes the value of recycling and actively use this practice


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Being eco-friendly today is becoming more and more important. And it goes far beyond just turning off the light when you’re out of home or separating your garbage for recycling. It’s your lifestyle!

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Annual “Climate Change” Conference

Politicians, entrepreneurs, and community advocates are getting together to explore
strategies for advancing a local clean energy transition

June 20, 2015

If poverty is a disease that infects the entire community in the form of unemployment and violence, failing schools and broken homes, then we can’t just treat those symptoms in isolation. We have to heal that entire community.

Community engagement can only be sustained by identifying and mobilizing community assets, developing capacities, and the resources needed for community decisions and action.

Creating a three-way partnership among community, government, and outside change agents is a necessary condition for engagement to occur.

It’s the little things citizens do, that is what make a difference.

The consistent energies of people with mutual beliefs and desires, keeps the resulting life of each community growing and prospering.

Building sustainable communities is an achievable goal, but not one without challenges. If professionals, government officials and indeed the communities themselves increasingly work together many of these challenges can be overcome, the biggest of which is changing behavior and practices

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